Lip fillers

Lip fillers consist of a natural gel-like substance found in most tissues of the body, called hyaluronic acid. When injected into the lip, hyaluronic acid binds to water molecules to add volume and hydration adding body, shape and definition to the lips.

Pricing shown here is a guide - a bespoke treatment plan and cost will be provided at your free consultation.

Lip Augmentation

Juvederm Ultra Range 
from £275

Juvederm Vycross Range 
from £350

Prices are per 1.0 ml syringe. Clients typically require 1 syringe per treatment, if a 2nd syringe is required it will be charged at half the price.



The science bit...

Hyaluronic acid is essential for the volume and elasticity of our skin. Along with the loss of subcutaneous fat, the natural ageing process involves a reduction in the content of hyaluronic acid; translating to a loss of volume, elasticity and hydration and consequent formation of lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers are injected into the dermis of the skin to replace the skin’s natural hyaluronic acid. This creates volume in areas where it has been lost and smoothes unwanted lines and wrinkles.

Is it for me?

Possibly; if you are seeking smoother, more plump and youthful-looking skin. Fillers are generally used to smooth the appearance of moderate to severe facial lines and wrinkles; and tend to be used in the lower face especially in areas around the nose and mouth.

How safe is it?

Your safety is paramount to us and Dr Sabrina only uses products that she would happily use on friends and family. When administered by a medical professional there very few side effects, all of which are temporary. These include redness, pain and swelling. More rare side effects include prolonged bruising, delayed swellings and allergies. A full list of side effects will be discussed at face-to-face consultation.

What will it do for me?

Unlike botox, dermal fillers take effect instantly so you should leave the clinic feeling younger and fresher.

Hyaluronic acid is naturally absorbed by the body of a period of 6-12 months, at which point most clients will return for re-treatment.

What happens during the procedure?

You will need to have a freshly cleaned face without any make-up. Dr Sabrina will inject small volumes of filler into the lines/wrinkles of concern.

Is it painful?

There may be some discomfort when the fine needle enters the skin, but the rest of the procedure is pretty painless as the filler of choice, Juvéderm® comes with pre-filled local anaesthetic.

Is there any aftercare?

  • Do not touch or apply makeup to the treated area for 6 hours.
  • Do not consume excessive alcohol for 24 hours
  • Do not do any aerobic exercise for 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid sun beds and saunas for 72 hours

Treatment summary

Treatment time: approximately 30 mins
Return to work: depending on area treated, immediately or up to 24 hours
Recovery time: 48 hours
Possible side effects: bruising, swelling and infection
Duration of results: 6-18 months

Not sure if fillers are right for you?

Contact Dr Sabrina to discuss how treatments can be tailored to your lifestyle, or perhaps find out more about how Botox could achieve your desired outcome.

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